Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

Published 10:38 pm Friday, November 24, 2017

To St. John’s Lutheran Community CNA Elaine Burkhart.

Congratulations to area resident Elaine Burkhart, who has worked as a CNA for more than 40 years at St. John’s Lutheran Community and will be retiring next month.

Burkhart, 70, began her career working night shifts on the second floor of the organization’s building off of Minnesota Highway 13.

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Thank you to your dedication to the community’s elderly population.

We hope you enjoy your retirement.

To the death of Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Randy Kehr.

We and others in the community were saddened to hear the news of the passing of Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Randy Kehr on Thursday via a message from his family on Facebook.

Kehr, who had served at the chamber since 2007, had battled cancer since mid-July. He went on indefinite medical leave at the end of October.

Our hearts go out to Kehr’s family and friends in the coming weeks and months.

Kehr and his wife, Ellen, have been two of the community’s biggest cheerleaders, and many people have been touched by their influence.

We have no doubt his positive influence will live on.

To a warm weather trend.

Black Friday shoppers were greeted with tolerable weather in the area as they went out to take advantage of sales heading into the holiday season.

Temperatures were expected to reach the upper 50s and possibly low 60s Friday heading into the weekend. Highs for much of next week are expected to be in the 40s and 50s.

We won’t turn that weather away.

To ongoing reports of inappropriate conduct against women by men in public office.

Minnesota has been in the spotlight in the last few weeks for reports of inappropriate conduct by a handful of both state and federal legislators from Minnesota.

The count of women alleging U.S. Sen. Al Franken had touched them inappropriately rose to four Thursday, as Franken promised to regain trust of constituents.

State Sen. Dan Schoen, DFL-St. Paul, and state Rep. Tony Cornish, R-Vernon Center, both resigned amid allegations of misconduct.

We are disheartened to hear the allegations and hope truth will ultimately prevail.