Editorial: Thank you for trusting us with the news

Published 4:49 pm Sunday, December 3, 2017

Every few years, the Albert Lea Tribune has a survey conducted to find out who is reading the newspaper and in what format.

The results this year were gathered from a telephone survey conducted over a week period in July by Pulse Market Research based out of Portland, Oregon.

The research found that 65.8 percent of people surveyed had read the Tribune in print in the last month and 19.7 percent had read the Tribune online. There were 15.4 percent of people who had read the Tribune both online and in print.

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Adding those numbers, the research group found that the Tribune reaches 70.1 percent of Freeborn County online or in print.

Who are our readers?

The average age reader was 52 years old, with 45.7 percent of readers being 55 or older. About 18 percent of the readers were ages 18-34, and about 36 percent were ages 35-54.

Breaking down by gender, 56.4 percent were female, and 43.6 percent were male.

Thirty-nine percent of readers made an annual income of $50,000 to $90,000 a year.

The survey found that the Tribune’s website, albertleatribune.com, was the No. 1 trusted online source in Freeborn County for both news and advertising.

We appreciate all of our readers, whether you are an avid reader who picks up the physical copy of the newspaper every day or one who turns to us a couple times a month online.

No matter what the case, we take our responsibility of sharing the news seriously and are proud to be able to do this for our community.