Letter: Albert Lea fortunate to have Winkels

Published 7:18 pm Wednesday, March 21, 2018

I read your article about Chief Winkels. Albert Lea has been fortunate to have him serve the community for so many years. I visited with Chief Winkels a year ago and also met with several members of the Police Department.  I was very impressed with the changes that were made since I worked there 29 years ago.  I found all the officers to be very professional and competent. During my employment with the department, we had two out-of-town chiefs and one from the ranks. In my opinion, it is a great advantage to promote from within the department. Hiring an outsider is not in the best interests of the community. I wish Chief Winkels the best and hope he has an enjoyable retirement. 

Paul Trontvet

retired ALPD detective

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