Court Dispositions: June 12-14, 2018
Published 9:33 pm Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Freeborn County
District Court
June 12
Jose Francisco Morales, 42, 408 Elizabeth Ave. Count 1: Driving without a valid driver’s license. Fees $180.
June 13
Jesus Bernal Jr., 27, 318 Euclid St., Alden. Count 1: Domestic assault. Sentenced to 90 days. Stay 88 days for two years. Credit for time served two days. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $180. Count 2: Domestic assault. Dismissed. Count 3: Domestic assault. Dismissed. Count 4: Domestic assault. Dismissed.
June 14
Jeremy Michael Gordon, 41, 2514 S. Shore Drive. Count 1: DWI – alcohol concentration .08 or more within two hours. Sentenced to 180 days. Stay 150 days for four years. Credit for time served 24 days. Supervised probation for four years. Fees $1,005. Count 2: DWI. Dismissed. Count 3: Driving after suspension. Dismissed. Count 4: Seat belt required – driver and passenger must use. Dismissed.
Krista Jean Lynard, 34, address unknown. Count 1: Theft-take/use/transfer movable property without consent. Sentenced to 90 days. Stay 60 days for one year. Credit for time served 25 days. Fees $130.
Sherry Ann Miller, 29, 430 St. Thomas Ave. Count 1: Driving without a valid driver’s iicense or vehicle class/type. Fees $180. Count 2: Uninsured vehicle – owner violation. Fees $200. Count 3: Motor vehicle registration – operate vehicle with expired registration. Fees $30.
Isaul R. Rios, 21, 408 Elizabeth Ave. Count 1: Driving without a valid driver’s license. Fees $180.
Katelynn Kay Wallin, 22, 400 Second Ave. SE, Wells. Count 1: DWI – alcohol concentration .08 or more within two hours. Dismissed. Count 2: DWI – operate motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Sentenced to 60 days. Stay 60 days for two years. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $605.
Saw Wah Eh Kler, 26, 9224 Ohio St. Apt. 4, Omaha, Nebraska. Count 1: Speeding 90/70. Fees $220.
The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.