Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

Published 8:33 pm Friday, July 13, 2018

To community members uniting for the family of Finn Ellsworth.

It is heartwarming to see the community come together to take care of the family of 6-year-old Finn Ellsworth, who died last weekend in a tragic drowning incident in Mower County.

Thanks to those who organized a lemonade and baked good stand at Morin Park Wednesday evening at the tee-ball game played by little Finn’s team and for all others who have made an effort to help this family.

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Though it does not take away the family’s pain of losing a child, we hope it does provide comfort to them in their time of need.


To efforts being made to increase interest in tennis.

Hats off to Albert Lea tennis coach Neil Chalmers, who is making an effort to increase exposure and interest in the community about the sport of tennis.

Residents are invited to play tennis from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday at the courts next to Albert Lea High School. No signup is required, and the high school supplies the balls and the ball machine.

We hope efforts like this — and others — will strengthen the high school’s tennis program and get more people interested in the sport.


To mosquitoes.

Those pesky bugs that some joke should be Minnesota’s “unofficial state bird” are out with a vengeance this summer, despite the city regularly spraying for them.

According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, there are over 50 different species of mosquitoes that live in the state.

Because mosquito eggs need water to hatch, it’s no wonder there are so many this year with all the rain we have received.

Did you know? Female mosquitoes are the ones that bite and take our blood. According to the MPCA, the male mosquitoes hang out and eat flower nectar or plant juices.

Some other facts about mosquitoes from the agency:

• One female mosquito can lay over 200 eggs at one time.

• Mosquitoes can fly about 1 to 1.5 mph.

• Mosquitoes are the primary food for many birds and bats. One bat can eat 200 mosquitoes in one night.

• Not all mosquito species bite people. Some prefer other animals.

• There are over 3,000 mosquito species worldwide.

You itching yet?

To protect yourself from mosquitoes and the potential transmission of disease, make sure to apply mosquito repellent to your clothing and skin when spending lots of times outdoors, don’t let water accumulate in your yard and keep screens on your windows and doors to keep them out of the house.


To all the people participating in “Beauty and the Beast.”

Congratulations to director Gordy Handeland and the 54 people in the cast of “Beauty and the Beast” for all their hard work in preparing an iconic musical for the community to enjoy.

The cast includes several veteran actors, as well as new actors from Mason City, Clear Lake, Waseca and New Richland.

We are lucky to have such talent in our area and thank Albert Lea Community Theatre for its dedication to Albert Lea.