Letter: Promise not to stand silent

Published 6:58 pm Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Matt Knutson’s column, “Take time to stand for what is right” touched my heart.

He related the pride and happiness he and his wife experienced in the ceremony that gave her citizenship to this country. She had spent five years preparing for this, so you can imagine the feelings they were having.

It took only one incident of hate and prejudice during a light rail trip afterward to mar those feelings.

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It should be imperative for us all to speak out in sorrow and outrage at this kind of behavior. We can’t erase that incident from their memory, but we can promise ourselves and them to not stand silent. We can celebrate with them, and others, their efforts and hard work to become part of this country, adding to the diversity and using their talents, as did our own ancestors.

Keeping silent is not a solution.

All my best, and God’s blessings to the Knutsons.

Margaret Olson

Albert Lea