MnDOT to host public meetings in St. Paul
Published 10:12 pm Tuesday, August 14, 2018
The Governor’s Advisory Council for Connected and Automated Vehicles is looking for stakeholder and public feedback on how to prepare the state for connected and automated technology. A series of statewide meetings August through October will allow people to comment on various topics addressed in the governor’s executive order on connected and automated vehicles.
People unable to attend the meetings may provide feedback through an online connected and automated vehicles survey at
The first meeting will take place on cyber security and data privacy from 8 to 10 a.m. Friday at Minnesota Department of Transportation’s central office at 395 John Ireland Boulevard in St. Paul. A second meeting will be Aug. 31 at the same time and location.
“MnDOT is excited to help shape the future of transportation,” said Charlie Zelle, commissioner at the Minnesota Department of Transportation, which is leading the connected and automated vehicle effort. “Connected and automated vehicles have the potential to greatly improve the quality of life for all Minnesotans by creating accessibility and equitable transportation for all.”
The advisory council must submit a report to the governor by Dec. 1 that reflects and responds to the public’s opinion on connected and automated vehicles.
According to a press release, people attending the meetings will learn more about connected and automated vehicles, hear from experts and participate in conversations to help draft policy recommendations to the governor and legislature.
Future statewide meetings will address transportation infrastructure, insurance and liability, vehicle registration, driver training and licensing, economic and workforce development, accessibility, equity and land use and planning.
To learn more about future meetings, the advisory council and the governor’s executive order, visit the connected and automated vehicle website. MnDOT staff are also available to attend community events to discuss connected and automated vehicles and solicit public feedback.
For more information, contact Kristin White, MnDOT innovation director, at