Opponents of Enbridge Line 3 pipeline project file appeal
Published 7:30 pm Sunday, August 12, 2018
ST. PAUL — Opponents of Enbridge Energy’s planned Line 3 replacement are asking the Minnesota Court of Appeals to declare that the environmental review for the controversial project fails to meet the legal requirements and needs to be redone.
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission approved the project in June, giving Enbridge a green light to replace its aging Line 3 crude oil pipeline across Minnesota. The PUC declined to reconsider its approval of the review.
But the indigenous environmental group Honor the Earth says its filing Wednesday could throw that approval into question, since an adequate environmental review is required for approval and construction.
The appeal argues that the Line 3 review failed to adequately analyze the potential impacts of oil spills along the route or the potential harm to tribal resources.
Friends of the Headwaters filed a similar appeal.