Editorial: Showcase your Tiger spirit
Published 9:23 pm Wednesday, September 26, 2018
It’s Albert Lea’s Homecoming Week, and if you haven’t already gotten into the Tiger spirit, now’s the chance.
District schools from elementary on up have hosted various dress-up days for students so far, and Albert Lea’s various sports teams have had a busy week.
Events culminate on Friday with the Homecoming coronation in the morning in the high school gym, and then the high school students will have a field day and powder puff football games in the afternoon.
Instead of a parade, this year there will be the Albert Lea Community Homecoming Carnival, which is slated for 4 to 5:30 pm. at the practice field at Hammer Complex. In case of rain, it will be inside the high school gym.
Hosted by students from various high school activities, athletics and clubs, the event will feature traditional carnival games, inflatables, face painting and music for community members.
After the carnival, the football team will face off against Fairmont at 7 p.m. at Jim Gustafson Field, and then students will wrap up the weeklong celebration with a dance after the game.
Come on out and support our students at the carnival or the game.
Be proud to be a Tiger.