Letter: Commissioner will always give honest answers
Published 7:31 pm Wednesday, October 24, 2018
It is an honor and privilege to serve as District 2 commissioner and be your voice on the county board. I believe county government is a servant of the people. I support a balanced budget and wise spending, common-sense solutions to problems, and am careful with your tax dollars. I work for you:
• Getting rumble strips on roads and LED lights on stop signs
• Pushing for better maintenance by crack filling, chip-sealing and using quality gravel to preserve county roads
• Working to decrease traffic speed through small communities by using digital signs
• Encouraging removal of hazardous junk and waste sites in the county
• Helping small businesses to have less hassle to operate
• Working on getting grants for community tornado shelters
I’ve saved county tax money:
• My research saved over $100,000 on county computer software
• Secured a $30,000 donation to buy the Sheriff’s Office drone
• The county received $7,500 when I questioned an architect’s invoice
• Saved $70,000 by advising using public transportation for human services clients rather than buy a bus
• I recommend the county carefully fund the core services: public health, human services, public safety, transportation (roads and bridges) and veterans’ services. Cut unmandated services that do not have a fiscal benefit.
I’ve been a dedicated leader:
• Attend township, small city and village meetings to inform, listen to needs and receive input and feedback
• Haven’t missed a regular county board meeting since taking office
• Served on Glenville school board and Bethlehem Lutheran Church council
• Vice president of Lodge No. 44 Brick Hall
• Helped establish and care for veterans’ memorial at the Bohemian National Cemetery, member of Sons of the American Legion
I’m a life-long resident of Freeborn County:
• Graduate of Glenville High School and Austin Jr. College
• Wife, Bonnie; two sons
• Have been farming for over 40 years, have a small business with Bonnie, producing music and messages on hold
• Hobbies are planting and maintaining trees and pollinator habitat
• Enjoy spending time with our four grandchildren
I’ve been part of this community all my life. I know county government and am aware of constituent needs. I listen to your concerns, then research to find answers and solutions to problems. I have the time and energy, ask tough questions, am tenacious and look at all sides of an issue. I welcome your questions, opinions and comments by phone at 507-448-3332, by email at dbelshan@lakes.com or on my website at danbelshan.com. When you ask where I stand, you’ll get my straight and honest answer — and the facts behind it.
Dan Belshan