Letter: George Marin not afraid to stand alone
Published 8:23 pm Tuesday, October 2, 2018
I am voting George Marin for mayor for many, many reasons, and here are just a few. George Marin is a good man, who operates out of the goodness of his heart, and for the greater good. George moved to Albert Lea as a 24-year-old young man, full of hope, vision and enthusiasm. Today, he is a 50-year-old mature man, full of hope, vision and enthusiasm. And, what a good man he is.
My husband, George, never meets a stranger, whether on the street, in a store or in a professional setting. George directly engages the person, asks their name and a little about them, introduces himself, welcomes them and lets them know they are appreciated. I have seen this every day of my married life. He has been called upon at all times of the day and night to visit a stranger needing help. He helps. He doesn’t do these things for pay or reward. He does them out of the goodness of his heart and for the greater good.
I cannot count the number of times George has come across a person in distress, whether with a broken down vehicle or wandering alone, and stops to find out what is going on and to offer help. He mentors young people, many times at-risk youth. He has been a steady presence in the jail and treatment center. He gives of himself willingly and happily. He doesn’t do these things for show or award. He does them out of the goodness of his heart and for the greater good.
George Marin treats people with respect. He listens to others and seeks understanding. He is not afraid to stand strong and alone for something in which he believes. He will not allow anyone to be mistreated, if it is within his power. It does not matter to George if he is misunderstood. It matters that he is doing the right thing for his fellow human being. He doesn’t do these things to reap benefit or further his stature. He does them out of the goodness of his heart and for the greater good.
George Marin is stable. He is solid. He is hardworking. He is trustworthy. He is brilliant. He is a strong leader. He is the same person, whether he is campaigning or just going about his day — any day of any year. He’s not perfect; no one is. But, I have never met anyone who loves people as much as George Marin loves people. A good, strong, brilliant, selfless, loving, hardworking, trustworthy leader who serves out of the goodness of his heart and for the greater good. We cannot ask for anything more. I invite you to join me in voting for George Marin for mayor.
Jill Marin
Albert Lea