Letter: Wall scare is a made-up crisis

Published 7:59 pm Wednesday, January 9, 2019

One can tell by the letters to the editor who watches our state television, Fox News.

Regarding the border wall, no one wants it — not Republicans, not Democrats. The people in Texas (majority) and Arizona (70 percent) don’t want it. Yet, Trump demands $5.6 billion to build a wall he said Mexico would pay for.

When did a government project ever cost its initial estimate? More likely it would cost $30 billion. Or even $50 billion. And there would be endless lawsuits over “eminent domain.” Regarding the Democrats blocking this wall — until Jan. 3, Republicans had control of all three branches of government. Trump needed no Democratic votes to fund a wall had Republicans in Congress wanted one.

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Also, Trump said he would be “proud” to take responsibility for a government shut-down. He would not, he told Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, blame them. But, he is. Even though during Obama’s shutdown in 2013, he tweeted, “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”

Regarding criminals? Immigrants commit crime at half the rate of native-born Americans. Hate crimes have risen dramatically three years in a row. Right-wing white males are responsible for the overwhelming majority of them.

Gang members and criminals coming in? Six people who came across the southern border in the first half of 2018 were on a government list of possible terrorists. Nearly 3,000 were apprehended at airports, so what security is compromised now? Airport security? TSA agents are working without pay, and some are calling in sick. Trump can relate to their hardships? During one of the times his debt was being “restructured” he was ordered to live on $450,000 a month.

The Coast Guard intercepts drug shipments, criminals and traffickers. Trump wants to steal $750 million allocated for a new ship for the Coast Guard and divert it to wall funding.

It is a lie that Democrats want open borders. Virtually all people want secure borders, but there are better, cheaper ways to attain them. Gen. George S. Patton said that if mountains and oceans are no barrier to man,“fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.” I will end this by quoting a few things President Eisenhower said, “There is no way in which a country can satisfy the craving for absolute security, but it can easily bankrupt itself, morally and economically, in attempting to reach that illusory goal through arms alone.” He also said, “In most communities it is illegal to cry ‘fire’ in a crowded assembly. Should it not be considered serious international misconduct to manufacture a general war scare in an effort to achieve local political aims?” That is what this whole border scare is — not a war scare, but a made-up crisis to frighten and motivate Trump’s base. And, to keep the news focused on anything other than Trump’s many crimes! Ike said: “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible.” Trump has none!

Lonna Gooden Van Horn
