Court Dispositions: Feb. 1-4, 2019

Published 8:18 pm Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Freeborn County

District Court


Feb. 1

Patricia Jean Bailey, 76, 26452 540th Ave., Lansing, Michigan. Count 1: Physically disable – unlawful exercise of parking privileges. Fees $280.

Phyllis Lee Droz, 55, 421 1/2 Main St. Count 1: Possession or sale of stolen or counterfeit check. Sentenced to 180 days. Stay 149 days for one year. Credit for time served 31 days. Supervised probation for one year. Fees $130.

Michaela Mae Martinez, 29, 18 Spartan Ave. Count 1: Fifth-degree possession of methamphetamine. Sentenced to two days. Credit for time served two days. Supervised probation for one year. Sentenced to 10 days of community service. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence. Count 2: Unlawful possession of a hypodermic syringe or needle. Dismissed. Count 3: Driving after revocation.

Travis Thomas Stigney, 32, 1009 St. John’s Ave. Count 1: Theft – take/use/transfer movable property without consent. Sentenced to 44 days. Credit for time served 44 days. Fees $80.

Rah Taw, 27, 213 Katherine St. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fees $280. Count 2: Driver’s license – failure to obtain a new driver’s license after changing name or address. Fees $20.

Frenchie Christopher Taylor Jr., 27, 1604 10th St. SE Apt. C2, Mason City, Iowa. Count 1: DWI – alcohol concentration .08 or more within two hours. Sentenced to 180 days. Stay 176 days for two years. Credit for time served four days. Supervised probation for two years. Sentenced to 50 hours of community service. Fees $450.


Feb. 4

Reinaldo Quesada, 43, 402 NE Second Ave. Count 1: Fifth-degree possession of a controlled substance. Sentenced to 17 months. Stay 17 months for five years. Local confinement for 54 days. Credit for time served 54 days. Supervised probation for five years. Sentenced to 40 hours of community service. Fees $130. Count 2: Trespass – return to property within one year. Dismissed.

Douglas Wayne Seidel, 30, 101 Glenwood Ave., Mankato. Count 1: Fifth-degree possession of a controlled substance. Sentenced to 15 months. Fees $130.

Donald George McLeese, 68, 2504 Countryside Circle, West Des Moines, Iowa. Count 1: Speeding 96/70. Fees $280.

Herbert Joseph Statz, 82, 5765 County Q, Waunakee, Wisconsin. Count 1: Vehicle exceeds width restrictions. Fees $180.


The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.