Court Dispositions, Feb. 27 – March 1, 2019
Published 8:00 pm Monday, March 4, 2019
Freeborn County
District Court
Feb. 27
Brandon Ray Nelson, 29, 7812 SW 82nd Ave., Ellendale. Count 1: Vehicle exceeds width restrictions. Fees $180. Count 2: Unsecure load. Fees $60.
March 1
Casey Ryan Crawford, 32, 423 Court St. Unit 3. Count 1: Fifth-degree possession of a controlled substance. Local confinement 52 days. Credit for time served 52 days. Sentenced to 13 months. Stay 13 months for five years. Supervised probation for five years. Fees $130.
Nathan Andrew Johnson, 23, 26480 725th Ave. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Sentenced to 90 days. Stay 80 days for one year. Credit for time served two days. Supervised probation for one year. Fees $80. Count 2: Drugs – Possess over 1.4 grams of marijuana in a motor vehicle. Dismissed. Count 3: Open container. Dismissed. Count 4: Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating a motor vehicle. Sentenced to 90 days. Stay 80 days for one year. Credit for time served two days. Supervised probation for one year. Fees $80. Count 5: Failure to stop at stop signs or stop lines at entrance to through highway. Dismissed.
Donald Paul Kimber, 39, no address listed. Count 1: Fifth-degree possession of a controlled substance. Local confinement 20 days. Credit for time served 20 days. Sentenced to 13 months. Stay for five years. Supervised probation for five years. Fees $130.
Casey Alan Schultz, 23, 1302 1/2 Crestview Road. Count 1: First-degree burglary. Local confinement 180 days. Credit for time served 114 days. Fees $130. Sentenced to 100 hours of community service. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence. Count 2: Felony theft. Dismissed. Count 3: Criminal damage to property. Dismissed.
Daniel Ryan Bix, 30, 2514 Aurora Ave. Apt. 27. Maryville, Missouri. Count 1: Second-degree DWI – operate a motor vehicle under influence of alcohol. Dismissed. Count 2: Second-degree DWI – alcohol concentration .08 or more within two hours. Sentenced to 30 days. Count 3: Misdemeanor collision – driver involved fails to stop for collision – driven or attended vehicle. Sentenced to 365 days. Stay 275 days for four years. Credit for time served five days. Supervised probation for four years. Fees $1,005. Count 4: Reckless driving – drives consciously disregarding a substantial or unjustifiable risk. Dismissed.
The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.