House Democratic budget plan includes college tuition freeze

Published 6:51 pm Monday, March 25, 2019

ST. PAUL — Leaders of the Minnesota House Democratic majority have unveiled a budget framework that’s similar to Democratic Gov. Tim Walz’s proposed budget but adds a tuition freeze for students at public colleges and universities.

The plan announced Monday also includes additional corporate tax loophole closings to raise more revenue. It includes the governor’s proposal for raising the gas tax by 20 cents per gallon. And it includes his plan to preserve the state’s 2 percent tax on health care providers.

House Speaker Melissa Hortman said their budget “restores tax fairness and makes historic investments in education.”

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Leaders of the Senate GOP majority will release their own budget framework Thursday. Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka said it will use the state’s projected $1 billion surplus to fund their priorities without raising taxes.