Letter: Thanks for support of music in community
Published 7:29 pm Wednesday, March 27, 2019
I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the Albert Lea community for their support of the music program at Albert Lea High School, and more specifically, the recent choir trip to San Antonio, Texas, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The 34 respectful students who traveled were wonderful ambassadors of our high school and community. They sang for a downtown church service, at a senior memory care unit, at the San Fernando Cathedral and at the Oklahoma City Memorial. They also visited the Alamo and other historical places, as well as enjoying the warm temperatures, Sea World and Magnolia in Waco, Texas. The generous community financial support allowed several students to travel that would not have been able to afford the trip on their own.
We also just had a very successful run of Tigers Roar to three good crowds of people. If you missed this year’s show, please try to attend in the coming years. It is a great showcase of our students’ talents. You will still have a chance to support our students in several more events this spring including the jazz concert on Friday, Show Choir Showcase on April 15, band concert on April 29, orchestra concert on May 10 and choir concert on May 14.
The biggest event of all is the Big Nine Music Festival scheduled here on Friday, May 3. The 12 schools of the Big Nine bring their top bands, orchestras and choirs to perform during the day and finish off with a beautiful festival finale concert that evening at 7:30 p.m., featuring the Select Band, Select Choir and Select Orchestra. Albert Lea last hosted the festival in 2008. The finale concert should not be missed. The last time we hosted was in 2007. Look for more information as we get closer.
Lastly, congratulations to you, Albert Lea, for being chosen as one of the nation’s 2019 Best Communities for Music Education! This BCME award is given by the NAMM Foundation (National Association of Music Merchants). The NAMM Foundation’s mission is to advance active participation in music-making across the lifespan by supporting scientific research, philanthropic giving and public service programs. We were one of 10 communities in Minnesota chosen for this national honor by the results of a submitted survey based upon school and community involvement. Thank you so much for your continued support of music and music education in our school and community.
Diane Heaney
Albert Lea High School
vocal music