
Published 9:00 am Saturday, March 9, 2019

Duplicate Bridge

Duplicate Bridge was played at 2 1/2 tables on Feb. 26 at the Senior Center in Austin. Winners were Vandy Newman and Rick Stroup, first place; and Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen, second place.

Duplicate Bridge was played at 4 1/2 tables on Feb. 27 at the Senior Center in Austin. Winners were Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen, first place; Vandy Newman and Ron Peters, second place; Joyce Crowe and Millie Seiver and Loren Cleland and Bud Higgins, tied for third place; and Larry Crowe and Rick Stroup, fifth place.

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Duplicate Bridge is played at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and at noon on Wednesdays. Players come from Adams, Austin, Albert Lea, Rose Creek, Northwood and Mason City. All bridge players are welcome to come and play. Those who need a partner can call 437-2750.

First Lutheran Church Women

First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. Feb. 13 in Bethany Hall, with prelude music provided by Joan Holt. Jo Hanson, co-president, welcomed members and guests. Devotions were given by Holt. She based her devotion on John 3:16. She reminded the group that God loves them, they love him and they love one another. She also reminded them to be a blessing to others today through acts of loving kindness.

Hanson led the group in reading the FLCW purpose. Julia Tonder then led group singing of music of the season accompanied by Holt.

Hanson introduced program speakers Bonnie Schneider, Audrey Christensen and Carol Olson, members of First Lutheran Church Altar Guild. Schneider gave a history of the altar guild along with the purpose. Christensen showed and explained the communion pieces. They are housed in a cart made by Milton Olson in 1980. She explained the communion preparatory procedures used in both the sanctuary and the chapel as well as the lay communion boxes used for home visitations. Olson explained the procedure for members getting the sanctuary and chapel ready for Sunday services; including special procedures for communion Sundays. They are also responsible for getting everything ready for baptisms and taking care of all flowers. The altar guild’s next meeting is the Tuesday before Palm Sunday for annual deep cleaning, followed by a supper. The meeting in May is informative for prospective members and for election of officers. The September meeting is the anniversary meeting and installation of officers.

Hanson called the business meeting to order. The secretary’s minutes from the Jan. 9 meeting were approved as printed by a motion from Shirley Strand and seconded by Tonder. Cindy Gandrud, treasurer, presented the treasurer’s report.

Hanson reported that the cookbooks should arrive any day.

Gandrud, treasurer, presented the 2019 FLCW excess funds for the year ending 2018. Neva Mathison made a motion to accept the 2019 excess funds as printed with a second to the motion by Bonnie Trampel. The motion carried. Cindy then presented the proposed FLCW Budget for 2019. Donna Ludtke made a motion to accept the budget as printed with a second to the motion by Diane Damerow. The motion carried.

Following the business meeting, the group sang the hymn, “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” during which the offering was received. Holt gave the offering prayer.

Hanson thanked the following ushers: Deloris Fligge and Damerow; greeters Helen Lovik and Olson; hostess chairperson, Bev Grotsun and her committee of Deb Hanson, Ann Satre and Cheryl Moran.

Caring and Sharing Chairwoman Bonnie Anderson and Marge LaFrance and their committee served five funeral in January.


Blue Earth River Conference, registration/coffee, 8 to 9 a.m. April 6 with programs following from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 235 E. Seventh St., Blue Earth

Observances at First Lutheran Church

Soup and sandwich lunches at 11:30 a.m. in Bethany Hall

Evening Lenten meals at 5:15 p.m. in Bethany Hall

Lenten worship at 12:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary

The meeting closed with the table prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.