Dick Herfindahl: Hope April brings more than May flowers

Published 8:18 pm Friday, April 5, 2019

Woods & Water by Dick Herfindahl


The month of April has (so far) brought warmer temperatures, which have been causing the lakes to start opening up. I am involved with a couple different committees in planning for the Governor’s Opener, which the Albert Lea area is hosting this year.  People have joked and asked if the ice will be out by then so having open water is a good thing.

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There were a few years when I attended the Governor’s Opener that it was close to not having open water to fish on. The year it was held in Park Rapids, my friend Jeff Anderson of Watertown, SD, and I fished on a small lake on the morning of the opener. Our host knew that lake would be open and in the afternoon we fished another lake that still had ice on half of it. I was lucky enough to catch a 23-inch walleye on that lake. I emphasize the key word lucky, I mentioned nothing about skill. Over the years, I have actually been fairly lucky, when it comes to catching fish on most of the openers.

When our cabin was new and just a shell, I couldn’t wait to get up there to see how it survived the winter. In mid-April, I would ask my two oldest grandsons, Trevor and Taylor, if they would like to go with me for the weekend. They jumped at the chance so we would leave on Friday after I’d finished work and drive the 325 miles to the cabin.

We didn’t have a wood stove yet and there was no insulation in the walls, so I heated it with a kerosene heater which did a pretty good job. Unfortunately using a heater like that came with an odor and although it was non-toxic it definitely didn’t smell like a scented candle. The second year we did this we were greeted to many downed trees that were actually blocking both doors of the cabin. I would probably still be there clearing all those trees if those two hard working boys hadn’t been along.

When I tried to get them to go with me for a third year, Trevor balked at the idea. I think he had decided that outside of chopping up and moving fallen trees and starting a campfire, there just was not that much to do, especially with the lake still frozen over.  It was fun while it lasted; maybe my idea of fun didn’t coincide with theirs.

It’s always fun to look back at those days and the fond memories that go with reminiscing. I have a lot of great memories of time spent at the cabin with the grandkids to cherish.

I have to say that Trevor and I have spent a lot of time at the cabin over the years. His cousin Dylan has also spent a lot of time there with grandpa and grandma. One year they both went with us on Memorial Day weekend. The boys and I had decided we would like to fish walleyes, so we drove over to Jesse Lake which was supposed to be a good walleye lake. When we arrived at the access we had to wait in line to launch the boat and wait in line to take it out. As I have grown older, I do not have much patience for either one of these scenarios.

Once the boat was in the water, we commenced to drift along a weed line. The wind was perfect for a drift and the fish were hungry. Unfortunately, (or not) it was not walleye that were biting, but perch. We did catch a few walleyes, but none in the keeper range. We kept quite a few (50) eating sized perch which made for a great fish fry. Dylan still talks about that day and of how much fun it was. I believe that was the day that he got to clean fish on his own without anyone watching him. We caught keeper fish that day and plenty of them; even though they were not the walleye that we were seeking. I have to add those perch were mighty tasty.

Fishing should always be fun and if you can make it fun for a youth they will always remember those times. I have always said it is not about what you catch, but the catching itself that makes the experience worth remembering. I know that it made a lasting impression on Dylan and even though he has never brought it up, I know that Trevor enjoyed that day as well.


Time is getting closer for Governor’s Fishing Opener; fishing hosts still needed

We are getting closer to our goal, but we are very much in need of “fishermen” to sign up as boat hosts. We haven’t quite reached the number of hosts needed to make this event a success. We really do need more hosts who will be willing to take media guests fishing.  I would like to encourage anyone who is a registered boat owner and has been considering being a boat host or knows someone that might be interested in the Governor’s Fishing Opener by being a boat host to sign up online. The easiest way to do that is by going towww.mngovernorsopener.com click on boat host and it will take you to the page. Just follow the instructions. You may also stop by the CVB office to pick up a registration form or call me at 507-383-2231 for more information. This is our chance to showcase this great community that we choose to live in and one that we are proud to call home.

Please remember to keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers during the year 2019. They are the reason we are able to enjoy all these wonderful freedoms we enjoy today.