Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

Published 7:06 pm Friday, April 26, 2019

To proposed changes in the city’s mobile food truck ordinance.

Residents are excited about the changes being considered to Albert Lea’s mobile food truck ordinance.

Under the proposal, licensed food trucks would be able to park at six different locations throughout the city any day of the week. Presently, these trucks can only be used during special events or if they have permission from a private business to have their truck there.

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The stalls would be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis each day.

This plan will be positive for these entrepreneurs and give additional options to residents.

We hope the council moves forward with approving these adjustments.


To a decrease in the Albert Lea Area Schools graduation rate.

Though there are many factors that affect it, Albert Lea’s graduation rate declined to 77.9% last year, according to data released this week from the Minnesota Department of Education.

This is down from 80.4% in 2017.

We encourage district administration to take a more in-depth look at what affected this decline and set up goals to get those rates on an upward trend again.

On the opposite side, congratulations to Alden-Conger School, which had a 100% graduation rate.

Glenville-Emmons and United South Central also had rates above the state average, with 87.5% and 88.1% respectively.


To the community members who attended a listening session about the proposed boundary changes for Lakeview and Sibley elementary schools within the Albert Lea school district.

Hats off to the parents and community members who came out to Lakeview Elementary School to hear about the proposed boundary changes and give feedback to district leaders about how the decision will affect their children.

Changes are being put forward because of overcrowding at Sibley Elementary School.

In the past, there have been some district meetings that have not been attended or had minimal attendance, so we are proud these people are seeking to play an active role in their children’s education.

Thanks to district leaders for providing the opportunity, and we hope it was helpful for both sides.

We ask that the staff and the school board continue to review this situation carefully, weighing out the pros against the cons when making a decision.