You Ask, We Answer: Was any hazardous material found at the site for new fire station?

Published 8:02 pm Friday, April 5, 2019

Question: Was any hazardous material found at the site of where the new Albert Lea fire station is being built?

Answer: Albert Lea City Manager Chad Adams said prior to the removal of all the structures at the fire station site, the city conducted hazardous material testing and sampling.

Seven of the buildings being removed needed mitigation of some sort for asbestos. That was the only substance found.

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The total cost of removal, plus the sampling and testing costs, were $33,055.

“As with any project and as we move forward with additional site work in coming weeks and months, it is possible that there could be additional hazardous materials found in the soils, but that is not expected at this point due to sampling of soils done last year,” Adams said.

Question: It’s soon going to mowing season. What does the Albert Lea city code say regarding the maximum height grass is allowed to grow before it must be mowed? Are there any rules about weeds?

Answer: Albert Lea City Code Chapter 70 states, “It shall be unlawful and a public nuisance for any person having control of any property in the city of Albert Lea to permit or maintain on such property any (1) noxious weeds or (2) growth of grass and weeds in excess of 9 inches in height. No owner shall permit such weeds and grass to be a public nuisance, but shall abate the nuisance by cutting weeds and grass and removing the clippings.”

It goes on to further state, “Failure or neglect to cut and remove or otherwise eradicate weeds or grass as directed in this article; failure, neglect, or refusal to comply with any provision of any notice provided herein; violation of any provision of this article; or resisting or obstructing the weed inspector or his employees in the cutting or eradication of weeds or grass shall be a petty misdemeanor. Each day on which such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.”

These rules are in place from May 1 until Oct. 15 each year.

Editor’s note: “You Ask, We Answer” is a weekly column dedicated to answering questions submitted by you, the readers. We will answer two to three questions per week. This column is in memory of the late Ed Shannon, former Tribune writer and columnist, who knew the Albert Lea area like no other person.