Court Dispositions: April 29-May 1, 2019
Published 8:50 pm Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Freeborn County
District Court
April 29
Israel Perea Rodriguez, 40, 711 Second Ave. NW, Austin. Count 1: Driving after suspension. Fees $280. Count 2: Speeding 70/55. Fees $60.
April 30
Luke James Johnson, 19, 1617 Portland Ave. Count 1: Liquor – underage consumptions. Fees $180.
William Omar Diaz-Rodriguez, 32, 534 Main St., Emmons. Count 1: Speeding 70/55. Fees $140. Count 2: Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating a vehicle. Fees $280.
David Michael Packer, 37, 21 Main St., Kasson. Count 1: Speeding 90/70. Fees $220.
May 1
Kyle Lee Bellecourt, 18, 216 Fourth St. E. Count 1: Driver’s licenses – instructional permit violation – persons 18 or older. Sentenced to 60 days. Stay 60 days for one year. Supervised probation for one year. Fees $130.
The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.