Editorial: Tribune Thumbs
Published 7:48 pm Friday, May 3, 2019
To the start of another year of dredging.
We are pleased to see an early start to the dredging this summer.
According to Shell Rock River Watershed staff, the dredging, which had been slated to begin in June, started on Monday in Edgewater Bay.
The early start date will move the schedule up, and if all goes according to plan, the district could move into the second contract of the project later this year.
Last year, just under 300,000 cubic yards of sediment was removed, and this year an estimate of 350,000 cubic yards is expected to be taken out of the lake.
We look forward to seeing more of this project completed and with that the benefits of doing so.
To a new restaurant in town.
Congratulations to 1910 Fresh Mexican Kitchen for bringing their new restaurant to Albert Lea.
From the sounds of it on social media, many Albert Leans have eaten at the business’s Austin location and are excited there will soon be one in our neck of the woods.
The restaurant offers traditional Mexican food with a twist, one of the owners said in an interview with the Tribune earlier this week, including burritos, quesadillas, nachos, salad bowls and other items.
We appreciate the restaurant’s owners for bringing this to the community, and wish them the best of luck into the future.
To the three Albert Lea businesses selected as 2019 Best Places to Work.
Congratulations to Albert Lea Seed House, Farmers State Bank of Hartland and Innovance Inc. for being recognized as 2019 Best Places to Work in southeast Minnesota last week in a commissioned study by Workforce Development Inc.
The program recognizes some of the best employers in the area and provides information to companies about the practices they use to attract and retain employees, according to a press release.
Though we know there are a lot of great businesses in the community, these three rose to the top with this program.
Great job to them, and we thank them for supporting area workers.
To the Albert Lea band, orchestra and choir students participating in the Big Nine Music Festival.
Hats off to the Albert Lea students participating in the Big Nine Music Festival and for all of the time and energy they have spent preparing for it.
The event was expected to bring in more than 2,000 students to Albert Lea for a day of band and orchestra performances at Albert Lea High School and choir performances at First Lutheran Church.
Hats off to the teachers who led these students and for their dedication to their students and for all those who played a part in making the festival a success.
This was the 86th year for the music festival to take place.