Freeborn Co. Communities Foundation report: Pelican Breeze
Published 9:00 am Saturday, May 18, 2019
Organization: Pelican Breeze
Project: Float the Boat
Report: The Pelican Breeze grant from the Freeborn County Communities Foundation is being used toward the Float the Boat project.
The project is intended to provide an opportunity for people of all ages to tour Albert Lea Lake, according to a press release.
The Pelican Breeze is powered by two outboard motors. Prior to the 2018 season, one of the motors was replaced. The Pelican Breeze Foundation plans to replace the second motor as part of the Float the Boat project.
This past year, 30 public cruises and 29 private cruises were scheduled. Passengers included many from area nursing homes and handicapped groups that would not otherwise have been able to tour the lake. The over 1,000 passengers also include people from several states and countries.
With the Governor`s Fishing Opener in Albert Lea in 2019, the Pelican Breeze members made plans to be a host for the event.
Since 1996, the Pelican Breeze and now the Pelican Breeze II have provided a traveling billboard for Albert Lea Lake providing low cost tours, according to the release. The grant will help the boats continue to do so.