Letter: Thanks to all in Albert Lea school district

Published 7:17 pm Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I’ve often thought about writing this letter over the years as each of my boys reached their high school graduation.

And now, as my last son graduates from ALHS this spring, my time is up.

I would like to thank all past and present teachers, counselors, coaches, custodians, principals, dietary and secretarial staff, and anyone else who has worked for the Albert Lea school district and contributed to the great education and experience my boys, my husband and myself have had the last 18 years in District 241. We are eternally grateful.

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There are too many exceptional people to list, but I have to say the warm memories start all the way back to my oldest son’s first day of kindergarten with teacher Anne Bonnerup and continued for all the boys with smiles from Georgia Godtland in the Sibley lunchroom, stories of Narnia from Peggy Bennett, museum field trips with Jim Haney, countless tennis matches with numerous coaches and the list could go on and on.

I believe wholeheartedly in the quote, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Thank you all for helping us raise our sons.

It has been a pleasure and blessing for our family to be part of the Albert Lea school district.

Kim Herfindahl
