
Published 9:00 am Saturday, June 15, 2019

Duplicate Bridge

Eleven teams played Duplicate Bridge on June 4 at the Senior Center in Austin. Winners were Gail and Ray Schmidt, first place; Vandy Newman and Jim Fisher, second place; Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen, third place; Loren Cleland and Dave Ring, fourth place; and Edna Knobbe and Kathy Leisen, fifth place.

Five tables played Duplicate Bridge on June 5 at the Senior Center in Austin. Winners were Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen, first place; Julie Prochnow and Lorraine Quinlivan and Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher, tied for second; Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz, fourth place; and Bonnie Fritz and Loren Cleland, fifth place.

Email newsletter signup

Duplicate Bridge is played at 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays and at noon Wednesdays. Players come from Adams, Austin, Albert Lea, Rose Creek, Northwood and Mason City. All bridge players are welcome to come and play. Those who need a partner can call 437-2750.

Women Veterans  of Freeborn County

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Women Veterans of Freeborn County met at 11:30 a.m. June 5 at American Legion Post 56 in Albert Lea.

Women veterans present included Judi Olson, Pat Johannson, Sandy Maiden, Ruth Bodine, Deanna Luedtke, Amy Mayers, Ruth Perry and Barb Babb. Jane Maiden was a guest.

The treasury report was given and no outstanding reports were given.

Ruth Bodine announced that she is moving to Texas.

Maiden stated a sign was made for the Governor’s Fishing Opener, but the Legion commander claimed it. The group will have it for a July 27 event.

A friend of Perry’s would like to build a float for the group for the Third of July Parade.

Joanie Paczkowski’s clothing was donated to Disabled American Veterans.

Luedtke read several articles.

Maiden stated there is a man who makes free urns and shadow boxes for veterans. She spoke with someone and is getting more information. Luedtke would like to see if a sample of each could be displayed at the group’s July 27 event. Brochures and more information will follow.

In lieu of a regular meeting in July, the group will be in the Third of July Parade. All women veterans are welcome to join the group at 5 p.m. July 3 at the fairgrounds to line up for the parade. The next regular meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. Aug. 7 at American Legion Post No. 56. For more information, call Luedtke at 641-425-3482.

American Legion Auxiliary
No. 56

American Legion Auxiliary No. 56 of Albert Lea met at 7 p.m. June 5 at the Legion event center. President Bonnie Schneider welcomed those in attendance. The opening prayer was given by Chaplain Kim Thomas. A moment of silence took place in honor of the group’s dead. The group recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang one stanza of the national anthem and recited the preamble to the American Legion Auxiliary.

Schneider handed out continuous membership certificates. There were five members with 25 years, 4 members with 30 years, 12 members with 35 years, two with 40 years, five members with 45 years, three members with 50 years, one with 55 years, one with 60 years and one with 65 years. These members were thanked for their support.

Community reports were given by Thomas and Children & Youth’s Karen Cibert.

The group will send care packages and cards to two women from its unit who were deployed.

Cibert also said the after-school snacks will begin again when school starts and back-to-school supplies will be accepted from July 1 to Aug. 15.

Legislation chairwoman Joyce Olson reminded the group to keep sending letters to state representatives about veterans programs being discussed at the Capitol.

Joyce Olson was also at the district convention. Cibert received a certificate for her annual report and National Security Chairwoman Betty Anderson received a plaque.

Communications were read. Bills were presented and voted to be paid.

Recommendations approved were for Ronald McDonald House, REACT, Commander’s Gift, Youth for Christ’s The Rock, Exchange Club and American Legion Family Hospital Association.

Installation of officers took place. Joyce Olson conducted the service. Installed were Jo Hanson, president; Ange Larson, secretary; Deanne Adams, treasurer; Carol Olson, historian; Schnieder, chaplain; Carol Smith, sergeant-in-arms; and Cibert and Smith, executive board.

The 101st Department Convention will be July 11-13 in Willmer. The national convention will be Aug. 23-29 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The quarter drawing was won by Hanson.

Lunch was served by Trampel, Pam Stern, Smith and Cibert.

The chaplain led the group in a closing prayer. The group saluted the flag and sang one verse of “God Bless America” before the meeting was adjourned.