Across the Pastor’s Desk: Dare yourself to become involved
Published 10:00 pm Thursday, October 3, 2019
Kenneth Jensen is a retired ELCA pastor living in Albert Lea.
Jesus said to his disciples, “Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!” (Luke 12:51, NRSV).
Two men were enjoying their usual Monday morning coffee in a local café. Said one to the other, “I think we Christians should practice what we preach.”

Kenneth Jensen
“But you could get crucified for doing that,” replied the other.
When I was in seminary, a student came from a successful family, financially speaking.
When he chose to enter the ministry, his family disassociated themselves from him. He had chosen to “waste” his life as a pastor when a great opportunity existed for him to remain with the family business.
So-called “whistleblowers” dare to speak out against improprieties they see being carried out in academia, big business, the military or the government. They do so at great risk. Most likely their careers will suffer. Their personal lives and family will be subjected to reprisals as well.
It takes a strong-willed person with a deep sense of fairness and justice to take on the role of David facing Goliath.
When Jesus spoke about bringing division on earth, he was acknowledging the reality that when one speaks truth to power, one’s personal integrity will be attacked and met with resistance. Hearts hardened by the effects of sin prefer “the darkness rather than the light” (John 3:21).
Jesus warned his disciples there is no guarantee life will become easier for those who choose to follow him. The exact opposite might take place. The satisfaction comes is knowing that one is doing the right thing … the father’s will.