Letter: Leftist plan is to keep America in the dark
Published 10:08 pm Thursday, November 14, 2019
President Donald Trump in his campaign announced his intention to drain the swamp and give the U.S. government back to “we the people,” citing the corrupt Washington establishment aligned with global special interests. Since that day, the left has been unrelenting in its unscrupulous attempts to take his presidency down. Democrat impeachment attempts were hatched on or before election night.
The deep state is desperate to preserve its power. There has been a never-ending procession of manufactured, timed, orchestrated accusations and illusions presented by Democrat operatives and the Democrat media as breaking news stories, all based on anonymous sources, lies, opinions — all smoke and mirrors to manipulate the American people into believing that this illusion is a reality.
This has been the biggest political scandal and abuse of power in American history. America is being severely tested. Can a democratic republic survive without an honest, objective news media? The American media/press has been increasingly leftist for decades and are now blatant social activists. Obama, reputedly the most un-American president with the most corrupt administration, was given a pass, while president Trump is targeted nonstop.
Meanwhile, President Trump is doing his job: faithfully executing the laws of the land, securing our southern border creating 6.4 million jobs, rebuilding the military, restructuring unfair trade deals, making the U.S. energy independent and the No. 1 gas and oil producer in the world, destroying ISIS, and being pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-Constitution and pro-America.
The leftist plan is to keep the American people in the dark. The degree that small-town media/press echo the national and big city narrative reveals how much they also have been sold our or are otherwise manipulated to try to destroy America from within.
Linda Kuehn
Albert Lea