Letter: Feehan will amplify voices of all workers
Published 7:01 pm Thursday, December 19, 2019
Every year on Labor Day, we see a series of memes thanking the labor movement for the weekend, minimum wage, the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, child labor laws, workplace safety standards, retirement security, sick leave, health benefits, parental leave — all benefits that we take for granted, but that were fought for by generations past. Contract wins became laws, which protect everyone, regardless of union membership.
Until five years ago, I didn’t personally understand just how beneficial unions are. But since working a union job, I’ve learned so much. I now know the importance of having a voice in my workplace. When workers band together, we feel a sense of ownership over our own lives. We spend such a large proportion of our lives working — being part of a union has shown me we can retain our dignity while selling our labor. As a union member, I can play a direct role in improving my working conditions and benefits, which in turn improves jobs across the region. We need to keep working toward better workplaces, and electing representatives who support workers is part of that.
As a worker in southern Minnesota, I am supporting congressional candidate Dan Feehan. Dan will ensure that my voice, and the voices of all workers, are not silenced but amplified.
Leslie Kaup
Albert Lea