My Point of View: You can thank a Democrat for many things

Published 7:54 pm Monday, December 2, 2019

My Point of View by Robin Brown

Robin Brown


With the beginning of the holiday season, it is natural to think of the many things we have to be thankful for. This is a time of thanks, blessings, reflection of one’s life, resolutions and goal setting.

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The Thanksgiving holiday is a favorite of my family, friends and students. They enjoy the time off work and school, the food and getting to see family and friends who have traveled great distances to gather. Traditional celebrations (mine, yours or those new to this country) are wonderful opportunities to share great food, connect with those we love and something to be truly thankful for.

My family and I are fortunate. We are all fully employed, earning a living wage. Our places of employment offer paid time off for holidays and yearly vacations, so we can afford time off work to enjoy the holidays with our families. We have health insurance, so we don’t have to worry a lot about paying for emergency health care costs. We are able to work in fields we are passionate about because we were blessed with a public K-12 education paid for with state tax dollars and a college education supplemented with Pell grants and Stafford loans, and in the case of my youngest son, the GI Bill. 

I am thankful for my family, friends and community and all the opportunities afforded to us in this great country we live in. And maybe you are thankful for some of the same opportunities and benefits. If so, you may want to thank a Democrat.

If you are receiving Social Security benefits of any type, whether it be retirement benefits or disability benefits — thank a Democrat. If Medicare or Medicaid is paying for all or part of your medical expenses — thank a Democrat. If your mom or dad is receiving assistance for nursing home care — thank a Democrat. If you have a pre-existing medical condition and no longer worry about being kicked off your medical insurance or your children, under the age of 26, are still covered by your health insurance — thank a Democrat. These are all benefits that people need and Democrats fought for — testament to the difference between the Democrat and Republican parties.

I am thankful that, under a Democratic governor, our state consistently supported public education for nine consecutive years. The 2% increase each year toward the education of our children gave school districts the funding they needed so they could plan ahead and was fiscally prudent as such funding reduces the need for a local increase in property taxes. Also, students who graduate high school are more likely to better provide for their futures and less likely to become a burden on society — saving all of us additional tax dollars.

On a federal level you may want to thank a Democrat as well — especially if you consider yourself a fiscal conservative.  The last time the federal budget was balanced was the last three years of President Clinton’s administration 1998 to 2000. Again, thank a Democratic president who was a master at working with a Republican congress — a testament to the difference between the Democrat and Republican parties.

I am so very thankful to belong to the party of the people. The party that cares deeply, listens to and gets things done for the American people. The party that passes meaningful, results-oriented legislation that improves the lives of all Americans and not just the wealthiest 2%. The party that believes that the hard-working middle class built this nation and created the wealth that the top 2% enjoy. The party that understands that the middle class paid for the infrastructure that we all use with their hard-earned tax dollars and therefore has earned the right to share in this nation’s riches through a living wage, health care and a solid public education. I am proud to be a Democrat, the party of U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone, because “We all do better when we all do better.”

Robin Brown is a teacher and former DFL District 27A representative who lives in Moscow Township.