Court Dispositions: Jan. 15-21, 2020
Published 9:51 pm Thursday, January 23, 2020
Freeborn County
District Court
Jan. 15
Richard Allan Berg, 72, 1104 Gene Ave. Count 1: Driving after cancellation. Fees $280.
Barbara Ann Hoeve, 63, 74745 255 St., Clarks Grove. Count 1: DWI – Operate motor vehicle under influence of alcohol. Dismissed. Count 2: DWI – Operate motor vehicle – alcohol concentration .08 within 2 hrs. Sentenced to supervised probation, 2 years. Local confinement, 60 days. Stay for 2 years. Fees $605.
Rebecca Carolyn Parkhurst, 50, 202 Charlotte Ave. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Stay of adjudication. Continued. Supervised probation, 1 year. Fees $75. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence. Count 2: Uninsured vehicle – driver violation. Dismissed. Count 3: Driver who is not owner must later produce proof of insurance. Dismissed. Count 4: Vehicle registration/permit/plates required. Dismissed.
Travis Thomas Stigney, 33, 3002 Griffin Ct., Moorhead. Count 1: Violation of an order for protection. Sentenced to local confinement, 365 days. Stay 222 days for 2 years. Credit for time served: 143 days. Supervised probation, 2 years. Service, 4 days. Fees $80. Concurrent Case 2, Count 1: Violation of an order for protection. Dismissed. Concurrent Case 3, Count 1: Violation of an order for protection. Dismissed. Count 2: Trespass. Sentenced to local confinement, 90 days. Credit for time served: 90 days. Fees including restitution, $151. Count 3: Theft of services. Sentenced to local confinement, 90 days. Credit for time served, 90 days. Fees, including restitution, $151. Concurrent Case 4, Count 1: Domestic assault. Sentenced to local confinement, 365 days. Stay 220 days for 2 years. Credit for time served: 145 days. Supervised probation, 2 years. Service, 4 days. Fees $80.
Frankie Javier Correa, 39, 861 Central Ave. Unit 3., Northwood, IA. Count 1: Speeding 85/60. Fees $220.
Soe Hsa, 27, 319 Hillcrest Circle N., Clarks Grove. Count 1: Contempt of Court – willful disobedience to court mandate. Sentenced to local confinement, 90 days. Stay 84 days for 1 year. Credit for time served, 6 days. Supervised probation, 1 year. Fees $130.
Danny James Morgan, 65, Heather Estates, Crystal, MN. Count 1: Disorderly conduct – offensive/abusive/noisy/obscene. Sentenced to local confinement, 90 days. Stay 90 days for 1 year. Unsupervised probation, 1 year. Fees $390.
Mark John Schuster, 57, 503 Bay St., St. Paul. Count 1: Disorderly conduct – offensive/abusive/boisterous/noisy/obscene. Sentenced to local confinement, 90 days. Stay 88 days for 1 year. Credit for time served, 2 days. Supervised probation, 1 year. Fees $380.
Taylor Kenneth Trimbo, 28, 37661 306th St., Henderson, MN. Count 1: Unsafe change of course. Stay of adjudication. Continued. Unsupervised probation, 12 months. Fees including restitution, $400. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence.
Jan. 16
Anthony Nick Barela, 29, 1214 Wedgewood Rd. Count 1: Disorderly conduct-brawling or fighting. Sentenced to local confinement, 90 days. Stay 88 days for 1 year. Credit for time served: 2 days. Unsupervised probation, 1 year. Fees $390. Count 2: Obstruct legal process- lawful execution legal process. Dismissed.
Paul Mark Elliot, 35, no current address. Count 1: Giving peace officer false name. Sentenced to local confinement, 365 days. Stay 349 days for 1 year. Credit for time served, 16 days. Supervised probation, 1 year. Fees $80.
Dustin Daniel Holicky, 36, 26581 Drew Ave., Elko New Market, MN. Count 1: Theft- take/use/transfer/movable property- no consent. Sentenced to local confinement, 14 days. Credit for time served, 14 days. Fees $80.
Tamara Jane Olson, 36, 417 2nd St., Dundas, MN. Count 1: Driving after cancellation, inimical to public safety. Sentenced to local confinement, 76 days. Credit for time served, 76 days. Fees $80. Count 2: Theft- take/use/transfer/movable property- no consent. Dismissed.
Dustin Nicholas Barnes, 29, 520 Main St. E, Rockwell, IA. Count 1: Fugitive from justice. Extradition ordered.
Valentin Cristobal, 40, 1311 21 St., Unit 1, Des Moines, IA. Count 1: Speeding 90/70. Fees $220.
Dawn Angel Wocelka, 43, 1836 Hemlock Ave., Owatonna, MN. Count 1: Harassment – violate restraining order. Dismissed. Concurrent Case, Count 1: Harassment – violate restraining order. Sentenced to local confinement, 60 days. Stay 54 days for 1 year. Credit for time served, 6 days. Unsupervised probation, 1 year. Fees $180.
Levi Christian Anderson, 18, 601 E. 11th St. Count 1: Speeding 103/70. Fees $380.
Jan. 17
Austin Michael Navarro, 21, 1225 Westminster St., Apt. 7, Saint Paul, MN. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fees $280.00. Count 2: Driver must carry proof of insurance. Fees $200.
Bergan David Lundak, 20, 1010 Elmhill Dr. Count 1: Speeding 85/55. Fees $280.
Jan. 21
Felipe Julian Carrizales, 25, 400 3 St. E. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fees $280.00.
Juliet Del Angel, 30, 2946 Hwy 30 E. Lot 55, Dennison, IA. Count 1: Motor vehicle registration – unregistered – alter/deface registration. Fees $380.00. Count 2: traffic regulation – vehicle registration/permit/plates required. Fees $30.
Paulette Renae Hansen, 50, 527 Triangle Dr. Count 1: driving after revocation. Fees $280.00. Count 2: Driver must carry proof of insurance. Fees $200.
The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.