Group wants to raise dating violence awareness

Published 7:32 pm Tuesday, February 11, 2020

In bringing awareness to the violence in teenagers’ dating environment, February has been declared Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, according to a press release. A nationwide movement was created to raise awareness about the abuse teens and 20-somethings face in relationships. A vital part of the mission includes education to help promote awareness for all those involved, according to the release, which stated dating violence is more common than many people think. One in three teens will experience physical, sexual or emotional abuse by someone they are in a relationship with before adulthood, the release stated.

The National Week of Respect started Monday and runs through Friday, and more information can be found at

Cindy Golbuff of the Glenville chapter of Women of Today said in the release she challenged all Women of Today members to wear orange Tuesday in support of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

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“With Valentine’s Day coming up, we’d like to remind you that everyone deserves a safe and healthy relationship,” she said in the release. “Remember, love has many definitions, but abuse is not one of them. If you or someone you know has a question about a relationship, healthy or unhealthy, visit or text loveis to 22522.”