Letter: Feehan will stand up for students

Published 8:05 pm Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Last week, Dan Feehan visited College Democrats at Minnesota State University, Mankato, for a Q&A session. As a member myself, I was pleased to see Dan reach out and listen to our concerns.

Among much else, Dan expressed the urgent need to tackle the issue of rising student loans and his dedication to making higher education affordable to those in southern Minnesota. He is a former teacher who recognizes the importance of education. He supports loan forgiveness programs. And as someone who is currently paying off student loans, I can speak for many college students who yearn for an end to predatory lending and rising loan rates.

Dan is the clear choice for students. He has shown time and time again that he will stand up for us and not succumb to those of special interest groups.

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Thank you, Dan Feehan, for your continued support of the people — and students like myself ­— in southern Minnesota. I look forward to voting for you this fall.

Andrew Weinzierl
