Letter: Trump doesn’t care about country

Published 8:59 pm Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Are you as sick and tired of what is going on in Washington as I am? There is one person who could end it all and one person only. Are you sick and tired of missing your favorite TV shows like I am? Have you heard how the people from other countries are laughing at us? Can you think of a time when millions of people all over this country marched against who was elected to our presidency? There were millions of people in other countries that marched against the same. Our president was uninvited to that royal wedding in England. Barbara Bush made it so Trump couldn’t attend her funeral.

Why don’t those Trump supporters get the hint? I can’t believe the way they keep making excuses for him and say we have to give him a chance. I said it before, and I will say it again. The answer to ending it is for Trump to resign. You know he won’t because he is all about himself. He doesn’t care what he is putting this country through or what he is putting the American people through.

I will bet if Trump gets impeached or is voted out of the office they will have to get a court order for him to move out of the White House. I’m sure he thinks he owns it.

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In my previous letter I mentioned that it is only the little people who pay taxes. If you are wondering if you fit this category, I will help you. If you are reading this letter then you are one of the little people. There are Trump supporters who don’t even want to talk politics with you. It shows they are ashamed of their vote. They can’t tell you what they stand for and what Trump stands for. I voted for Hillary, and I am proud of it. It is probably the vote that I am the proudest of. I am still bragging. I didn’t vote for Trump.

Wayne Thorson

Albert Lea