Published 8:14 pm Saturday, February 6, 2021
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Before The Turtle Creek Watershed District Board Of Managers Acting As Drainage Authority For County Ditch J12
Final Hearing Notice
on the Redetermination of Benefits and Petition for the Improvement to
County Ditch J12
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Managers of the Turtle Creek Watershed District, sitting as the Drainage Authority for County Ditch J12, will hold a final hearing on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. Hollandale City Hall, located in Hollandale, Minnesota, on the Redeterinination of Benefits and the Petition for the Improvement for County Ditch J12. The Engineer’s Detailed Survey Report and the Viewers’ Report of Benefits and Damages for the Redetermination of Benefits and the proposed Improvement to County Ditch J12 had been filed with the Drainage Authority and are available for inspection at the office of the Freeborn County Auditor-Treasurer, located at 411 Broadway Avenue South, Albert Lea, Minnesota. At the final hearing, the Drainage Authority will hear public comment regarding the Redetermination of Benefits and the Engineer’s Report and Viewers’ Report on County Ditch J12. Any parties having interest in the proceedings may appear and provide comment. Written comments will be accepted at the hearing and by mail through the date of the hearing at the office of the Freeborn County Auditor-Treasurer, at 411 Broadway Avenue South, Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007.
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic and the emergency declaration and associated executive orders of the Governor of the State or Minnesota, the hearing will be held by alternative means with both limited in-person participation and a virtual participation option.
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic and the emergency declaration and associated executive orders of the Governor of the State or Minnesota, the hearing will be held by alternative means with both limited in person participation and a virtual participation option.
Interested parties may join the meeting virtually at the following website:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Phone Access number:
1312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 898 0355 9725
Access Code: 924614
The following properties are affected by the work identified in the Engineer’s Report and the Viewers’ Report of Benefits and Damages with the property owners listed on the Redeternination of Benefits and Branch 2 Improvement:
Branch D Tile: Commencing at the intersection with the Main Open Ditch in the SW 1/4 SE 14, Section 4-T103N-R20W, thence southerly through the SE 14 Section 4-T103N-R20W, NW 14 NE 14 and NW 1/4 Section 9-T103N-R20W and terminating in the NW 14 SW 14 Section 9-T103N-R20W, all in Freeborn County, Minnesota.
At the final hearing, the drainage authority will accept public comment regarding the proposed Redetermination of Benefits and the proposed Improvement to County Ditch J12. Any party having an interest in the proceedings may appear and provide comment per the instructions above.
/s/Pat Martinson
Freeborn County
Dated: January 27, 2021
Published in the Albert Lea Tribune on the 30th day of January and 6th and 13th days of February, 2021