Published 5:26 pm Sunday, March 7, 2021
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Adjourned Meeting
Of The County Board
February 16, 2021
The Board of Commissioners of Freeborn County met in the Freeborn County Boardroom at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday February 16, 2021. Members present: Commissioners Edwin, Forman and Herman in person, with Commissioners Shoff and Belshan via Zoom.
Commissioner Herman offered the following motion; MOVED, approving the agenda as presented with the addition of the item under 6f, Report of Sheriff. Motion seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved.
Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21–036 Approval of the Freeborn County Board of Commissioners Consent Agenda as provided in the Freeborn County Board Rule of Procedure 9(A). Resolution seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution adopted.
Commissioners Edwin, Forman and Herman provided Board Committee updates. Commissioners Shoff and Belshan had no updates regarding Board Committees. Commissioner Shoff asked if there was any public comment, and there was none.
Commissioner Belshan offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-037 Accepting the Resignation of Richard Walther. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Herman. After discussion a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution adopted.
Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-038 Permission to fill the Freeborn County Child Support Officer Position. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Herman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-039 Placing Joseph Hunter, Social Worker CPS, on Regular Full Time Employment Status with Freeborn County. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Herman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-040 Placing Jacob Stockwell, Truancy Officer, on Regular Full Time Employment Status with Freeborn County. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken with Commissioners and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21–041 Approving an Agreement with University of Minnesota to begin the Process of Completing a County Geologic Atlas. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Belshan. After discussion Commissioner Belshan moved to table Resolution.
Commissioner Belshan moved to table the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21–042 Approving an Agreement with University of Minnesota to begin the Process of Completing a County Geologic Atlas. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken with Commissioners Belshan and Edwin voting yay and Commissioners Forman, Herman and Shoff voting nay, the Chair declared the resolution failed.
Since Resolution 21-042 to table Resolution 21-041 failed, the Board returned to vote on Resolution 21-041. A vote was taken with Commissioners Forman, Herman and Shoff voting yay and Commissioners Edwin and Belshan nay and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
At approximately 9:00 a.m. the Board Chair opened up a public presentation regarding the Hayward Solar Project. Present via zoom were Laura Cunningham, Portfolio Manager with Good Steward Consulting, Mike Roth, Project Developer with Tenaska, Joe Sedarski of Westwood, Shane Glinski, Assistant.Project Manager with Good Steward Consulting and Tracy Skaar, Hayward resident assisting with the project.
Commissioner Herman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-043 Approving the Contract Amendment with UCare. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-044 Approving Authorizing Loans from the General Fund to Ditches with Shortages for 2020. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Belshan. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-045 Granting Tobacco Licenses. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-046 Approving Federal Project Advance. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Herman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-047 Authorizing Sponsorship and Agreement with Bath Township. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Belshan offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-048 Authorizing Sponsorship and Agreement with London Township. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Herman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Herman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-049 Accepting $150.00 in Donations to Sheriff’s Department. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-50 Accepting a $200 Donation to Sheriff’s Department. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Herman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Herman moved to table the following resolution until the March 16, 2021 regular board meeting: RESOLUTION No. 21-051 TABLED: Allowing Deputies to Assist with Mutual Aid for Enbridge Line 3 Route Security Detail. Motion seconded by Commissioner Belshan. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved.
Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-052 Appointing Kristen Wasmoen to Freeborn County Extension Services Advisory Board. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-053 Certifying the Acquisition of Land by the US Fish and Wildlife Services. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Herman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION No. 21-054 Setting Workshops Dates.Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION No. 21-055 Appointing Freeborn County Administrator as the Freeborn County Board of Commissioners representative to the Freeborn County Law Library Trustees. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Commissioner Herman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION No. 21-056 Approval of Claims General Fund $457,822.68; County Road & Bridge $534,773.71; Human Services $169,264.50 Public Health $137,235.07 Capital Improvement $25,170.28; County Ditch $20,539.32; Trust & Agency $95,183.88; Payroll Clearing Fund $4,130.80; Recorder’s Clearing $1,690.00; FUND TOTALS $1,445,810.24. Number of Claims not exceeding $300 – 74. Dollar amount of claims not exceeding $300 – $9,358.04. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution adopted.
Chair Commissioner Shoff continued the meeting until 1:00 p.m.
At approximately 1:00 p.m. the Chair reconvened the board meeting for the continuation of the final hearing on County Ditch 15 improvement.
Commissioner Herman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 21-057 Approving the Redetermination of Benefits Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 103E.351. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.
Chair, Commissioner Shoff adjourned the meeting at 1:54 p.m. until 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021.
Christopher N. Shoff
Thomas Jensen
Published in the Albert Lea Tribune on the 6th day of March, 2021