Letter: Thumbs up for new skating areas this winter

Published 6:53 pm Friday, March 25, 2022

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I wanted to add my own thumbs up to those who made the decision to add an extra skating pond and a circular skating space for the general public to use, along with the usual hockey rink, to the Lakeview Park.

It has been a winter pleasure to observe the skaters enjoying all of these from my living room window above the park.

Of course, more thumbs up to those dedicated workers who appeared without fail in the cold and dark every morning and night to keep them groomed and clear of snow.  Somehow, it gave a feeling of “all is well” in a world of turmoil.

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I commend you all and hope it may be continued next winter.

Thank you for the simple pleasure from a non-skating octogenarian.

Margaret Olson

Albert Lea