Letter: What has Biden done?

Published 5:01 am Wednesday, April 13, 2022

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I hope the Democrats are happy with gas prices and hope they read my letter.

We are one year into the Biden administration with the highest inflation in 40 years. A crisis at the southern border, the humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, 100,000 Russian troops on the border with Ukraine already bombing civilians is inhumane with North Korea firing long-range missiles and Iran on the verge of a nuclear weapon.

The Cuban missile crisis was October 1962. I remember potential for a nuclear war was real. President John F. Kennedy, my president, first learned that the Soviet Union was constructing missile launch sites in Cuba. Kennedy consulted with his national security council and lifted blockades he had placed around Cuba after confronting offensive weapons and bombers were to be removed from the island.

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What did Biden do? He just watched as Russia came with tanks. He should have asked the security council for advice and met with the NATO and other European countries, getting everyone involved.

Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump had remained our president. Like President Kennedy, Trump would have placed a blockade on the border to show that the U.S. was concerned about a war before it began.

Now China is thinking of taking Taiwan, a nation of 23 million freedom-loving people. Just as in 1941, we would not permit imperial Japan to dominate the Pacific; the U.S. must deny China control over Taiwan. This nation is part of the so-called “First Island Chain” that runs from Japan through Okinawa and Taiwan to the Philippines and Borneo. Chinese military ambition, deprived of this chain, is constrained by natural barriers to the sea as Taiwan would serve as a launching pad. 

Biden refuses to approve the Keystone Pipeline and prevents a free flow of oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, costing thousands of jobs and hurting our economy by impacting gas prices. Biden also is teaming up with the United Nations to force failed green energy and carbon tax on American companies and taxpayers who have to pay the bill. The United States has enough energy to sustain our energy needs for 500 years.

Oil is an important part of daily life. Oil is used for detergents, fertilizers, medicines, paints, plastics, synthetics, fibers, clothing and synthetic rubber. Petroleum products to propel vehicles, to heat buildings and to produce electricity for our industries. Over 6,000 products are made from one barrel of oil. 

Are you aware China’s high-voltage transformers are vital to keeping our energy grid running, and it is suspected that China can digitally shut down power throughout the U.S.?

China has moved to exploit Afghanistan’s estimated $1 trillion worth of raw earth minerals needed for high technology products, including digital products and weapon systems.

Salute the flag. Stand for the national anthem. Kneel before the cross, and serve our Lord. 

Mavis Jacobs Hanson