Wanda Wangsness recently celebrated her 45th anniversary of serving residents and staff at St. John’s Lutheran Community. Wangsness started at St. John’s on June 6, 1977, as a certified nursing assistant. She worked as a CNA for five years, in activities for 23 years and as materials manager for 17 years. Pictured is Sandy Duncan and Wangsness. Provided
St. John’s Lutheran Community recently congratulated Becky Severtson in her retirement. Severtson has served the residents and staff at St. John’s for almost 32 years. She started as a certified nursing assistant and, through the years, worked as a TMA, backup Scheduler, and currently serves as a scheduler. Pictured is MaChar Kingstrom, director of Human Resources, Severtson and Kelsey Diehl, administrator at St. John’s Lutheran Community. Provided