Letter: DFL hosting Trifecta Potluck Celebration

Published 8:30 pm Tuesday, January 17, 2023

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We local Democrats were understandably disappointed with the results of some local elections. But we were so excited and encouraged with the results statewide: Democrats control the governor and lieutenant governor’s offices, the Minnesota House, and the Minnesota Senate. A trifecta.

These representatives are all working to improve the lives of Minnesotans all across the state. The tax conformity bill, increased funding for education, a bonding bill, bills protecting women’s reproductive rights, paid emergency leave and many other bills are moving forward and will get the consideration they deserve and move toward passage.The Freeborn County DFL is holding a Trifecta Potluck Celebration this coming Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Union Center, 1407 State Highway 13, Albert Lea.

Please come and celebrate with us with good food and good conversations.

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Julie Ackland
Albert Lea