MINUTES 12.20.22

Published 7:52 am Saturday, January 7, 2023


ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE COUNTY BOARD December 20 th , 2022 The Board of Commissioners of Freeborn County met in the Freeborn County Boardroom at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 20 th , 2022. Members present: Commissioners Shoff, Belshan, Forman and Edwin. Commissioner Herman was present by zoom. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Forman offered the following motion; MOVED, approving the agenda with the moving up the out of state travel for Pat Paquin and Waylon Welvaert, the contract agreement with Pat Martinson and Kelly Hendrickson and allocating funding for the community scholarship fund under item 7. Motion seconded by Commissioner Herman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 22–370 APPROVAL OF THE FREEBORN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA AS PROVIDED IN THE FREEBORN COUNTY BOARD RULE OF PROCEDURE 9(A) Resolution seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution adopted. The Commissioners provided Board Committee updates. Chairman Shoff asked if there was any public comment and there was none.Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 22-371 OUT OF STATE TRAVEL Resolution seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution adopted with Commissioners Edwin, Forman, Herman and Shoff voting yay and Commissioner Belshan voting nay. Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution;RESOLUTION No. 22-372 OUT OF STATE TRAVEL Resolution seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.Commissioner Herman offered the following motion:MOVED, to remove Resolution 22-361from the table. Motion seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved. RESOLUTION No. 22-361 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR PATRICIA MARTINSON FOR THE OFFICE OF THE FREEBORN COUNTY AUDITOR-TREASURER After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved with Commissioners Forman, Herman, Belshan and Shoff voting yay and Commissioner Belshan voting nay. Commissioner Forman offered the following motion: MOVED, to remove Resolution 22-362 from the table. Motion seconded by Commissioner Herman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved.Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-373 RECIND RESOLUTION 22-362 Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION No. 22-374 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF KELLY HENDRICKSON AS THE FREEBORN COUNTY RECORDER Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Herman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-375 RESOLUTION APPROVING FUNDS FOR THE FREEBORN COUNTY COMMUNITY PROMISE SCHOLARSHIP Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Herman.After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved with Commissioners Forman, Herman and Shoff voting yay and Commissioners Edwin and Belshan voting nay.Commissioner Belshan commented and wanted on record that this does not fit the county core services, should be done at budget time, the criteria which we’ve seen none here today from Philip of who gets what and when on like a scholarship, we have 5 commissioners that have districts of people they represent plus the whole county here. How you going to choose the fairness between the districts, Geneva, Hayward, Myrtle they’re going to pay more taxes to get young people to go to this, heard from the taxpayers and they want it to slow down, property taxes are going to get higher, um again this doesn’t fit the need to be looked at and I question the legality of the county doling out scholarship money from the levy, that’s where its going to come from, to anybody that walks in you don’t have to be a resident of Freeborn County, is that correct? Philip commented, no, you definitely have to be a resident of Freeborn County in order to apply for this program, no, you can’t live in Austin, that’s why it’s Freeborn County Promise. Commissioner Belshan commented, I really question the legality of that, those things need to be looked at. It just shows you that there are a lot more questions than there are answers at this point, nobody has committed any money, 5 years of $20,000 a year, is it legal to hold future Boards hands to hold them so they on this spending.
Premature, don’t do it, do it when you have all the facts, we have no facts now we have someone telling us verbally and he has no commitment from anybody, you have to prepare yourself better, that’s all I have. Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-376 FREEBORN COUNTY AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES PLAN Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman.After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION No. 22-377 RESOLUTION ADOPTING INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM LOANS Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-378 CHANGE PROBATION FUNDING FORMULA Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-379 APPROVAL OF THE UPDATED FREEBORN COUNTY ABATEMENT POLICY Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Belshan offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-380 AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN PLANNING PROCESS Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-381 OUT OF STATE TRAVEL Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-382 RESOLUTION TO CONTRACT WITH A NEW MEDICAL CONSULTANT Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Belshan. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Belshan offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-383 DELEGATED CONTRACT PROCESS (DCP) MN/DOT AGENCY AGREEMENT NO. 1052199 Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved.Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-384 AWARD OF CP 023-FRG-996 FAIRGROUNDS RESTROOM STRUCTURE Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION No. 22-385 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE 2023 MN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES – COUNTY CHILDREN’S MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING GRANT CONTRACT. Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution:
RESOLUTION No. 22-386 RESOLUTION TO WRITE OFF ACCOUNTS DETERMINED UNCOLLECTIBLE EFFECTIVE 2020-2022 Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Belshan. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved with Commissioners Forman, Belshan, Herman and Shoff voting yay, and Commissioner Edwin abstaining from the vote. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-387 RESOLUTION TO WRITE OFF ACCOUNTS DETERMINED UNCOLLECTIBLE EFFECTIVE 2020-2022 Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Belshan. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved with Commissioners Forman, Herman, Belshan and Shoff voting yay, and Commissioner Edwin abstaining from the vote. Commissioner Belshan offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION No. 22-388 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT A DONATION TO THE FREEBORN COUNTY CVCC FROM ROUND PRARIE LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION 22-389 APPROVAL TO CREATE AND FILL CUSTODIAL POSITION IN THE FREEBORN COUNTY MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Shoff. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved with Commissioners Edwin, Forman and Shoff voting yay, and Commissioner Belshan voting nay, Commissioner Herman was not present to vote.Commissioner Belshan commented and wanted on record to use it for work study. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 22-390 ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF PRESTON SELLECK Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION 22-391 PERMISSION TO FILL THE FREEBORN COUNTY VETERAN COURT COORDINATOR POSITION Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote
was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 22-392 ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF JOSEPH HUNTER Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 22-39 PERMISSION TO FILL THE FREEBORN COUNTY SW/CASE MANAGER CPCW POSITION Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION 22-394 ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF BONNIE LAIR Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION 22-395 PERMISSION TO FILL THE VACANT ELIGIBILITY WORKER SPECIALIST, SR. LEAD POSITION Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION 22-396 ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF DOUG
BONNERUP Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution:RESOLUTION 22-397 PERMISSION TO FILL THE VACANT HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE WORKER Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Edwin offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 22-398 ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF JILL CLARAMBEAU Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved.Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 22-399 PERMISSION TO FILL THE VACANT LEAD SOCIAL WORKER DD-AD-AP POSITION Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION No. 22-400 Approval of Claims RESOLVED, that the following claims be allowed and paid on or before December 22 nd , 2022. General Fund $1,145,995.40, County Road & Bridge $844,824.69, Human Services $325,614.51, Public Health $113,489.00,Capital Improvement $592,078.92, County Ditch $32,064.45, Trust & Agency $72,968.60, Payroll Clearing Fund $20,232.15, Recorder’s Clearing $2,525.00, Social Services Collaboration $46.15, Tax Collection Fund $1,040.00, FUND TOTALS $ 3,150,878.87 Number of Claims not exceeding $300 – 83 Dollar amount of claims not exceeding $300 – $11,506.70. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Edwin. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution adopted.Chair, Commissioner Shoff adjourned the meeting at 9:55 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, December 29 th , 2022. By: Christopher N. Shoff Chair Attest: Candace Pesch Clerk/Administrator.

Albert Lea Tribune:
Jan. 7, 2023
MINUTES 12.20.22

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