Letter: What can Republicans find wrong with Biden’s trip to Ukraine?

Published 8:30 pm Friday, March 3, 2023

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It has been a long time since I have written a letter to the editor. I have had several requests to write one. I always tell them it hard to write something when things are going so good. One of the latest happenings was President Biden risked his life flying into Ukraine and back. This is something anyone else that’s reading this letter would not do, including me. I know those pesky Republicans are going to find some way to find fault with this daring trip. When Trump was president, he supplied so much fodder every day with his one-liners. He was a journalist’s dream. It wasn’t hard to find something to write about. He would never have become president if he hadn’t got all that publicity. There is no bad publicity. No publicity is bad publicity. Trump knew this. He also supplied a lot of fake news for weak minds to swallow and vote for him. There is no doubt if President Biden finishes his term and keeps our troops out of going to war that he will be rated as one of the best presidents this country has ever had right next to Obama. There were a lot of weak-minded voters who voted for George W. Bush twice and voted for Trump twice and feel that they have the authority to tell others how to vote. These are the people I have mentioned in previous letters that I say would vote for pig for president if there was a Republican sign in front of it. If Trump runs again, they will vote for him. I hope he does. I can’t believe the Republican Party will want him to run as a Republican. He will have to run as an Independant. He is a stained politician. I said this before and I will say it again. If you have a fool as a leader than those voters that voted for him are well represented. Now I will repeat. I am still bragging. I didn’t vote for Trump.

Wayne Thorson
Albert Lea

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