Duplicate bridge results announced

Published 8:00 pm Tuesday, April 11, 2023

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Duplicate bridge is always played Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Senior Center in Austin, both sessions begin at 11:30 a.m..

Two teams traveled to Mason City last Monday to welcome and play as they start up their sessions on Mondays. Players in that club close down for the winter as many of their group go south for the winter and are now starting to come back.

Winners were the following:

  • First: Vandy Newman and Ron Peters
  • Second: Jim Fisher and Mike Liedell
  • Third: Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen
  • Fourth: Jaynard Johnson and Rick Stroup

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Wednesdays winners, playing five full tables were the following:

  • First: Gail Schmidt and Dave Ring
  • Second: Bonnie Fritz and Lorraine Quinlivan
  • Third: John Leisen and Rick Stroup
  • Fourth: Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher
  • Fifth: Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz

Players come from Rose Creek, Mason City, Austin and Albert Lea.