Court dispositions: Jan. 24, 2023
Published 8:00 pm Friday, May 26, 2023
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Freeborn County District Court
Jan. 24
Sabrina Lynn Eenigenburg, 31, 233 E. Vine St., Owatonna. Count 1: Drugs – possession of methamphetamine – fifth-degree gross misdemeanor. Stay of adjudication. Supervised probation for one year. Fees. $75. Concurrent with other case. Count 2: Traffic – driving after revocation. Dismissed.
Deandre Marcell Hubbard, 34, 1209 James Ave., Albert Lea. Count 1: Traffic – DWI – gross misdemeanor – operate motor vehicle – alcohol concentration .08 within two hours. Local confinement for 180 days, stay for 178 days, credit for two days served. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $605. Count 2: Traffic – DWI – misdemeanor – operate motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Dismissed. Count 3: Traffic – driving after revocation. Dismissed.
Pamela Kay Martin, 58, 800 4th Ave. S., Albert Lea. Count 1: Theft – take, use or transfer movable property – no consent. Local confinement for 90 days, stay 90 days. Supervised probation for one year. Restitution $7.98. Fees $180.
Anthony Michael Whelan, 41, 314 Chestnut St., Mankato. Count 1: Traffic – driving after revocation. Local confinement for 90 days, stay for 90 days. Fees $280. Count 2: Traffic collision – driver involved fails to stop for collision. Dismissed.
Troy Nicholas Bibus, 43, 1121 Eastgate Rd., Albert Lea. Count 1: Traffic – driving after suspension. Local confinement for 90 days, stay 90 days. Fees $180.
Derek Allen Christensen, 22, 12741 520th Ave., Wells. Count 1: Assault – fifth-degree inflict or attempt bodily harm. Local confinement for 30 days, stay 30 days. Unsupervised probation for one year. Fees $280.
Joshua Jordon Cornelius, 42, 85103 Prairie Wood Dr., Hollandale. Count 1: Traffic – DWI – Third-degree test refusal – gross misdemeanor. Local confinement for 180 days, stay 178 days, credit for two days served. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $1,005. Count 2: Drivers license – gross misdemeanor restricted license violation. Dismissed. Count 3: Traffic – DWI – gross misdemeanor – operate motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Dismissed.
Xzarion Seke Gyasi Hill, 23, 4949 Winnetka Ave. N., New Hope. Count 1: Traffic – driving after suspension. Fees $430. Count 2: Traffic – speeding 103/70. Fees $150. Count 3: Traffic – Driver must carry proof of insurance. Fees $200.
Bradon Colby Reyerson, 34, 6450 W. 44th Pl, Wheat Ridge, CO. Count 1: Obstruct legal process. Local confinement for 30 days, stay 30 days. Unsupervised probation for one year. Fess $180.
The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater, or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.