April Jeppson: There are awesome moments in every day

Published 8:45 pm Friday, June 23, 2023

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Every Little Thing by April Jeppson

I was talking with a friend the other night. They were stressing out about a few different projects in their life and stated that if they could just wrap these things up, life would be so much happier. I smiled softly when I heard that. How many times have I told myself the same thing? I just need to get through this week or after tomorrow things will get better. I know I’ve written at least one article about it.

April Jeppson

My smile was that of an old wise sensei about to impart 1,000 years of knowledge unto the worn-down main character in one of my favorite films. I expressed how even when these events are over, there will sadly be new stressful situations to take their place. You will get a day or two, maybe even a few weeks of calm before something else starts to siphon your energy. The real lesson of life is not to get through these obstacles to find joy waiting on the other side, but to find joy in the small, everyday things.

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Having this conversation gave me an opportunity to share my insights but also remind myself of truths I’ve already learned. It’s so easy to get caught up in all the chaos and stress. It can actually be addicting for some. I’ve learned enough about myself to know that life throws enough curve balls at me, I do not need to add fuel to the fire. So I started thinking about all the little joys, the small seemingly insignificant moments that I need to more fully enjoy.

I have a love-hate relationship with white shirts. I love wearing them in the summer, but I hate how quickly they lose their glow. Knowing that I wanted to wear one this week, I went to Walmart and spent $3.88 on a brand new, essentially disposable shirt. As I was about to leave for work, my youngest wanted to give me a hug. You would have thought she was covered in mud by the way I pulled away from her. I knew she was in the middle of eating breakfast, and my mind flashed to visions of peanut butter smears on my clothing.

Her sweet little face was both confused and sad as to why she wasn’t allowed to hug her momma. I explained to her about my clothing, she understood, and we sent each other air kisses instead. This morning as I was getting ready to leave she ran up to me. Her enthusiasm felt as if there was something important she wanted to tell me. When I asked her, she said matter of factly that she just wanted to give me a hug before I left.

I instantly remembered how I rejected her hug earlier in the week, and in that moment I became intensely grateful that she hadn’t given up on me. You better believe that I hugged her tight, covered her face in kisses until she giggled and then hugged her some more.

Every day is not 100% awesome, but I can promise you if you look hard enough, there are awesome moments in every day.

Albert Lean April Jeppson is a wife, mom, coach and encourager of dreams. Her column appears every Saturday.