Sarah Stultz: Better the community 1 child at a time

Published 8:45 pm Tuesday, June 27, 2023

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Nose for News by Sarah Stultz

Last week I had the opportunity to travel up to Minneapolis with a fellow Albert Lea Noon Kiwanian to take part in the Kiwanis international convention.

I have never been to one of these conventions before, but the idea of getting together with other Kiwanians from around the world was exciting for me.

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We were invited to share about the inclusive playground project happening in our community during one of the sessions, along with two other representatives from other communities, and to talk about how Kiwanis was involved in the inclusive playgrounds in our communities.

While Albert Lea’s project is a larger effort to bring the inclusive playground to the community, the Kiwanis clubs here have stepped up above and beyond to make it happen and plans to have a special area within the park designated as the Kiwanis Zone.

The session talked about how the projects got started, the equipment company we all worked with and also answered questions from the audience.

I’m proud to say that aside from the city of Albert Lea and Freeborn County, the Kiwanis clubs are the next largest contributors. Between the Noon, Daybreakers and Golden K clubs, we have fundraised and obtained grants for more than $80,000, including the $25,000 that was awarded through the Kiwanis Legacy of Play Contest with the support of the community.

Regarding the overall project, the community has now committed about $770,000 of the $1.25 million needed for the project, including $350,000 from the city and $100,000 from the county. Aside from that amount, the city is also waiting to hear back about a $300,000 grant it has applied for through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Once the $1.25 million is raised, additional funds are needed to build a bathroom structure adjacent to the playground.

The goal is for the playground to be installed next spring, but for this to become a reality, more money needs to be raised.

There are several other fundraisers and donations in the works through other service clubs, and we’ve had a handful of other organizations reach out to us recently about donations. We also continue to apply for grants and have an exciting event we’re working on that we hope to start promoting soon.

If you feel inclined to be a part of this wonderful community project, donations are still being accepted through the Albert Lea Chamber Foundation at 132 N. Broadway in the shared office for the Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce, the Albert Lea Convention and Visitors Bureau and Albert Lea Economic Development Agency.

Donations are tax deductible, and donors will be recognized through a recognition wall at the site.

And if you’re looking for a way to give back more to the community, please consider joining Kiwanis. Our mission statement focuses on improving the world one child and one community at a time, and this is just one way we’re seeking to fulfill that mission.

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Wednesday.