April Jeppson: Try to see all people for their potential

Published 8:45 pm Friday, July 7, 2023

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Every Little Thing by April Jeppson

You’re at work and someone isn’t acting the way you think they should. It would make life so much easier if they would just do it this way. If only they didn’t use that tone of voice. If they would just — ugh! We put expectations on people and get frustrated when they don’t live up to them. We set ourselves up to be disappointed. It’s a weird cycle, and I know we all do it.

April Jeppson

“Imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating to him, but he deals with it. So should we.” — Jeffrey R. Holland

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I’m reminded of this quote when I’m struggling with an imperfect person. Sadly it doesn’t come to memory right away, I’m usually frustrated for a long time. I’m feeling pretty flawless and because I’ve forgotten how to be kind and extend grace, the Lord humbles me. At that moment, those words come back to me so strongly that I’m embarrassed at how unfair I’ve been.

In general I see the world as an awesome place. I wake up each morning and try my best so I figure that’s what everybody else does, too. When someone is less than awesome, I remind myself that they are trying their best, even if their best looks different than mine.

In all honesty I haven’t been super frustrated in awhile.

Quick! Someone knock on wood.

For whatever reason though, this quote has been in my head all day. Having it there, playing in the background of my thoughts has been beneficial. I’ve noticed that

I’m more calm. I’ve probably talked with 20 different people today, and I’m sure a few of them have said things that could have set my mood on a downward spiral.

However, as I talk with them, I listen and observe and see them as the awesome people that they are trying to be every day when they wake up.

It’s kind of cool actually.

We all have a choice. We can get upset with people for things that are out of our control or we can see them for who they are and accept that. Not just accept it, but appreciate the fact that we are not all the same.

We are built so differently. Unique talents, gifts, quirks … each one of us a perfectly carved puzzle piece just looking for our place to fit in and be happy. When you see people in this light, it’s easy to like them. For me, it also makes me want to help them find their place. Happy people are my favorite people to be around, so why wouldn’t I want to help create more of them?

Albert Lean April Jeppson is a wife, mom, coach and encourager of dreams. Her column appears every Saturday.