Water tower work continues inside and out

Published 2:07 pm Friday, July 21, 2023

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The city of Albert Lea reports the following project updates this week:

New downtown water tower: Crews are starting to paint the logo on the water tower at the corner of Newton Avenue and Fountain Street. The controls room inside the tower is under construction, and the electric contractor is starting to place the exterior tower lights.

Fifth Street and Frank Hall Drive reconstruction project: The contractor has removed the pavement and curbs from Fifth Street and is setting up the temporary water supply. Replacing the sanitary sewers will be next.

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Eddie Cochran Street resurfacing: The final layer of asphalt is scheduled for early next week, followed by grading and seeding along the road edges.

Downtown streets: The contractor completed the concrete work this past week. Resurfacing will likely take place in mid- to late August.

Cedar Avenue resurfacing: With the final layer of asphalt complete, the only work remaining is general cleanup and minor corrective items.