April Jeppson: The cold reminds us to appreciate warmth

Published 8:45 pm Friday, August 18, 2023

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Every Little Thing by April Jeppson

And we have another beautiful day here in Minnesota … I said that in my best radio voice. This weather has really been good for the spirit.

April Jeppson

We’re at that sweet spot of the year when the mornings are cooler and I can feel that fall is on its way. Knowing that the days of summer are limited really makes me appreciate every sun-filled day that much more. It won’t be long before I’ll need to wear a jacket everywhere I go. Until then, I’m going to don my sandals every chance I get. I want to be sick of summer by the time it’s over. Zero regrets and fully ready to embrace the changing of the seasons.

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One of my new favorite expressions is, “sunshine every day creates a desert.” It helps me tolerate the literal rain as well as the gloomy experiences in my life. I’m wise enough to know that it’s because of the difficult experiences in our lives that we more fully appreciate the good experiences.

When my family was living on one income there were many grocery trips where I had to do math in the aisles of the store. I had only brought so much cash with me so it was imperative that when the cashier gave me my total, that I had the amount requested. Putting items back and having to wait until next time before I could purchase something became a regular part of the shopping experience. So imagine my gratitude when I go shopping today, on a two-person budget. I still compare prices and try to get the best deal, but I no longer get that sick feeling in my stomach that I might not have enough to cover the bill.

My husband and I decided many years ago that we would not get our children cell phones until they were in high school. When my oldest was in the third grade, that’s when the requests started coming in. He tried various arguments and negotiation tactics through the years, but we didn’t budge. There was no need for him to have that type of technology or level of responsibility at this time. So how appreciative was he finally got one? Through the moon.

Circling back to this beautiful weather and the end of summer being eminent. I know what the cold of January feels like. It’s because of this knowledge that I want to go outside as much as possible during the next few weeks. If it were summer all the time, I can promise you, I wouldn’t be outdoors as much as I am. So I’m thankful for the cold and how it teaches me to appreciate the warmth. Just as I’m thankful for the bad days and how it reminds me of how truly blessed I am.

Albert Lean April Jeppson is a wife, mom, coach and encourager of dreams. Her column appears every Saturday.