Letter: Albert Lea: Healthcare Coalition busy in efforts to recruit provider

Published 8:30 pm Friday, September 22, 2023

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The Albert Lea Healthcare Coalition was just as surprised by the news of MercyOne leaving at the end of the year as all of you are. But this isn’t the first time this has happened to the citizens of Albert Lea, and we as a community are in a much better place than last time. We have a beautiful, finished primary care clinic that any health care entity would be excited to move into. We have had a couple in-person meetings with health care entities and correspondence from several others. One thing that was stated at our community meeting was that we have $520,000 in the bank. That amount is not in a savings account. We have bills to pay out of that: utilities (gas, electric, water), loan payments, property insurance, snow removal of two parking lots, etc. I just wanted to clarify that point, that we are not just sitting on a half million dollars. We want you to know that we are actively seeking a new provider for our community. Please don’t think we have given up on quality, affordable health care for our community. We are back having weekly meetings and will soon have another community meeting to keep you all apprised of what is happening. It is because of all of you that we are here representing you. So please don’t give up, as your trustees certainly haven’t.

Andrea Jensen
Albert Lea Healthcare Coalition

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