Letter: Thanks for the support with quilt

Published 8:30 pm Tuesday, October 24, 2023

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Dear Lynda Harig, her associates and American Legion Post 56 and Auxiliary,

Friday night was a very special night for me and the other four veterans who all received a Quilt of Honor. At the Legion Club, with family and friends, the handmade quilts were individually presented to the five of us as the crowd applauded.

I have mine hanging over the stair railing as you come in the front door. As I look at it each day, I think of memories of time spent in Vietnam and other posts during my two years in the Army — also my fellow soldiers that I served with.

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America became and remains a land of freedom due to its citizens serving up against our enemies in the 250-plus years of its existence.

The quiet actions of people like Lynda help make our military service seem worthwhile.

Bill Danielsen
Albert Lea